novel psychoactive substance

New Drug Alert: Alpha-PCYP

Alpha-PCYP is classified as a novel stimulant and substituted cathinone. In layman’s terms, it’s a stimulant drug that is similar to the Khat plant, but gives signs and symptoms of influence similar to cocaine and methamphetamine. Alpha-PCYP was developed last year, but has been showing up in crime labs recently. Novel stimulants like Alpha-PCYP have […]

synthetic drugs

This Week’s Newest Drug: Bromazolam

Bromazolam started popping up in crime labs in the last month, according to our source at HIDTA. Bromazolam (also known by the name XLI-268) was first synthesized in 1976, but it was never marketed. This is how most Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) come to the market. It is often referred to as patent piracy. A […]

New Synthetic Stimulant Alert: Eutylone and Benzylone

A new synthetic drug comes to the illicit drug market each week. Most of those drugs die a quick death and most people will never hear from them again. Others hit the market fast and hard and create a lot of damage in their wake, like the synthetic opioid U-47700. With Eutylone and Benzylone, they […]

new drug alert

Ethyl-U-47700 is This Week’s Newest Drug

Ethyl-U-47700 is this week’s newest drug to come to market. On average, one new drug comes to the illicit market each week. Ethyl-U-47700 is classified as a novel opioid. Novel opioids have been reported to cause opioid-like effects similar to heroin and fentanyl. Novel opioids in the trans-N-[2-(methylamino)cyclohexyl]-benzamide class (e.g. U-47700) and similar classes (e.g. […]

3,4-Difluoro-U-47700 is this Week’s Latest Drug

Each week, a new drug comes to the illicit drug scene. This week’s drug is 3,4-Difluoro-U-47700. It is a novel opioid that is very similar to U47700. U47700 came to the market a few years ago and resulted in several overdose deaths of young people. I’ve written extensively about U47700 and other opioids like it […]

synthetic drugs

N-Ethyl Pentedrone is the Latest Drug Trend to Come to Market

On average, one new drug comes to market each week. Most of these drugs are classified as Novel Psychoactive Substances which are made in laboratories in China and sold openly on the internet. The latest drug started popping up in crime labs this month and is called N-Ethyl Pentedrone. N-Ethyl Pentedrone N-Ethyl Pentedrone is classified […]

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