
New Drug Alert: Alpha-PCYP

Alpha-PCYP is classified as a novel stimulant and substituted cathinone. In layman’s terms, it’s a stimulant drug that is similar to the Khat plant, but gives signs and symptoms of influence similar to cocaine and methamphetamine. Alpha-PCYP was developed last year, but has been showing up in crime labs recently. Novel stimulants like Alpha-PCYP have […]

New Synthetic Stimulant Alert: Eutylone and Benzylone

A new synthetic drug comes to the illicit drug market each week. Most of those drugs die a quick death and most people will never hear from them again. Others hit the market fast and hard and create a lot of damage in their wake, like the synthetic opioid U-47700. With Eutylone and Benzylone, they […]

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