The United Nations Office on Drug and Crime recently released a document outlining the impact of COVID-19 on the world’s illicit drug supply. There are some interesting facts coming out of the document which is lengthy. Here are the major key points in the document:

Key Points of the Impact of COVID-19 on the World’s Illicit Drug Supply
- Measures implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are having a mixed impact on the drug supply chain
- Restrictions resulting from the lockdown could hinder the production and sale of opiates in major producing countries
- Measures are impeding cocaine production in the short term, but a resurgence is likely in the event of economic crisis
- Drug trafficking by air is likely to be completely disrupted by the restrictions imposed on air travel
- Signs of increased use of maritime routes to traffic heroin to Europe
- Indications of a reduction in the flow of cocaine is not yet affecting seizures in destination markets
- COVID-19 measures are likely to lead to the stockpiling of drugs
- Indications the lockdown is increasing demand for cannabis
- Drug shortages have been reported and could have negative health consequences for people with drug use disorders
- Economic difficulties caused by COVID-19 could change drug consumption for the worse