The darknet is a place on the internet few people go. To compare it to the real world, it is the seedy part of town that you warn people not to venture to. It’s a place where you can get all matter of drugs from marijuana to fentanyl to LSD. In a recent poll, 10% of drug users said they bought drugs off of the darknet.

How Darknet Drug Markets Adjusting to COVID-19
A recent story by the Daily Beast outlined how darknet markets were selling the malaria drug chloroquine and bulk shipments of N95 protective masks. Chloroquine is a drug that President Trump said would kill the coronavirus in a recent press conference. Even though scientists are still determining chloroquine’s efficacy, people are looking for the drug before it comes into short supply. Now sellers on darknet markets are cashing in on President Trump’s statement.
According to the Daily Beast:
Prices on four different posts for the drug ranged from $1,000 for a package of 250 milligram tablets to as little as a dollar for a 30-day supply (plus shipping). Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the drug was cheap—in some cases just $12 for a five-day dose—and widely available, but supplies have become scarce following Trump’s endorsement, as even doctors have begun to hoard the pills.
Daily Beast
Sellers Assure Buyers that they Protect Products from Cornoavirus
Sellers on darknet markets are addressing concerns of their customers about being exposed to coronavirus. In several postings, sellers stating that they are taking measures to ensure that they do not contaminate their shipment (e.g., “We use masks and gloves when we pack your order. We take this seriously”).
Sellers Advertising Drugs as a COVID Remedy
After looking at several darknet drug market advertisements, you can start to see some sellers offering drugs as a COVID remedy. In one advertisement the seller states, “Protect yourself from the corona virus. […] To help your immune system and endocannabinoid system you should take one of our THC capsules daily…they are full to bursting with activated marijuana (Black Jack) and thus ready for consumption. They help your body in shortest time your immune system and to
ramp up the endocannabinoid system and give you a better chance of recovery.”
Sellers Trying to Avoid Hoarding of Drugs
Sellers on darknet markets are also trying to implement restrictions to avoid panic buying and ensure that there is enough supply for their customers. One seller states, “10g max (of cannabis) per shipment and per person to serve everyone.” Some sellers are also restricting which countries they will sell their product too. Some are restricting sales to their country or neighboring countries only.