The Coronavirus is affecting the illegal drug markets. While the world is freaking out about contracting coronavirus, the effects of this scare is about to hit drug users hard.

Precursor Shortages
The Coronavirus has slammed China’s production. That is where most of the worlds fentanyl precursors is coming from right now and Coronavirus was bound to effect the illegal drug market. According to the BBC,
The country’s official measure of manufacturing activity – the Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) – dropped to 35.7 from 50 in January.
It shows the virus is having a bigger impact than the financial crisis that shook the world last decade.
The data also suggests that factories are struggling to find enough workers.
Chinese manufacturing hits record low amid coronavirus outbreak
That means that production of fentanyl precursors, the chemicals used to make the drug, has stalled. The result is that there is less fentanyl on the street when users are demanding it.
Packaging Materials in Short Supply
It also means that there are fewer packaging materials available to put the drugs into. The packaging for drugs like heroin, methamphetamine and fentanyl are made in China. With production at an all-time low, there just isn’t enough packaging material available for dealers to package their drugs.
According to one source, substances suspected to be heroin have been found packaged in clear dime bags, as opposed to the traditionally used wax folds/glassines.
What This Means For Those Working With Drug Users
At this point, one can only speculate as to what will happen. Only time will tell. But, after working 29 years in law enforcement, I can only suspect that users will seek new drugs as a replacement or they will become very desperate until manufacturing can keep up. Most of our fentanyl is made in Mexico. But, those chemicals come from China. Will the Mexican DTO’s be able to find a new source? I doubt it.
What Have You Been Seeing?
Let us know what you have been seeing in the comments below.
As far as packaging, I’ve been seeing more people taking plastic grocery sacks, tearing them into small sections, putting the dope in them and then tieing them shut or using a lighter to “heat seal” them shut.
I’ve been hearing the same thing. If you can snap a picture next time, I’d appreciate it. It would be nice to share it.
Lol as if!!
I was actually trying to find info on how the Coronavirus is affecting meth users. That would be an interesting study considering the organs the disease targets and the ingredients used to make the drug. Also I know of a few people who claim meth saved or prolonged their lives; 2 fighting cancer and one from a Brown Recluse spider bite. The guy with the spider bite says the ER doctor told him that the meth slowed down the effects from the spider’s poison. Although the stories seem far fetched, nothing is impossible, right?
With their organs, specifically, their lungs compromised I don’t see how they will be able to survive the Corona Virus.